Current Litters
Margo & Maverick
Margo's litter was born June 29, 2024. They will be ready to go home around August 18.
There are currently no puppies available for this litter.
Moxie & Remi
Moxie's litter was born July 21, 2024. They will be ready to go home around September 8.
There are currently 3 puppies available for this litter.
Please contact us for availability.
Margo's June Litter
Moxie's July Litter
4 Boys & 1 Girl
Boy - Jet Black
Boy - Black Phantom (tan markings on face, chest, legs)
Boy - Merle Phantom (gray and black with tan markings)
Boy - Black tuxedo (white neck and chest)
Girl - Black Phantom (tan markings on face, chest, legs)
Check back for more photos and updated availability
Reserving A Puppy
When you place a deposit, we add your name to our waiting list and take note of the date of deposit and any preferences you have (litter, color, gender, etc.).Deposits are non-refundable in order to ensure we have homes for our puppies and to tailor our breeding based on need. We will notify you when a litter is born. When it is time for selection, we go in order of deposits received. You have the option to choose an available puppy from the current litter or move your deposit forward to a future litter. You will not lose your place in line as selection always goes in order of deposit. If you move your deposit forward, you will likely have an earlier pick of the next litter. M&M Cockapoos reserves first pick of any litter (seldom does this happen).